How One Woman's Desperate Struggle Led Her To Discover
Grandma's Secret Homemade Bone Broth Recipe
That Unclogs Your Metabolism To Melt Away Up To 22lbs in 14 Days
Tennessee Doctor Promises: Your Body Will Start Burning Fat Within Hours
- Texas Travel Agent Suddenly Drops 89lbs At Age 59 & Stuns Her Husband
- "It Melted My Hunger Pangs & The Fat Melted Off Next"
- Now Doctors Are Begging Their Most Overweight Patients To Start Sipping This Immediately
- 1 Cup Is Like Taking a Cabinet Full of High Quality Vitamins & It Fills You Up Without Adding Pounds

How a Humiliating Bridal Shower Led Me To Discover My Late Grandma's Long-Lost Diet Secret...
And Melt Off 55lbs of Ugly, Heart-Clogging Belly Fat
“I’m sorry, this is a private bridal shower.”
That’s the moment I realized my best friend Nicole from high school didn’t recognize me anymore.
We were all back in town as bridesmaids for her wedding.
My group of girlfriends from high school…
Who I hadn’t seen in over 10 years…
Finally back together again.
What was supposed to be the best weekend of my life…
Turned into an absolute nightmare.
It was the first time I had to come to grips with the fact that I was 55 pounds overweight.
And it was obvious to everyone because my best friends that I grew up with…
Didn’t even recognize me anymore.
Looking back, it’s hard to blame them.
The last time they saw me in person, I was an active size 6…
And now I was a size 18.
I had to suck in so much just to wiggle into my pants in the morning...
And I refused to post any pictures on social media because deep down I knew my weight was becoming a problem.
But I couldn’t hide it anymore.
My arms jiggled when I waved goodbye to my husband as I backed out of the driveway on my way to work…
And our “date nights” always involved ordering in…
Eating way too much on the couch…
Then at the end of the night…
I’d plop into bed, feeling like I just gained 10 pounds of fat on my stomach…
As embarrassing as it was to walk into that room and see everyone staring at me…
I actually thank my lucky stars that it happened, because...
It Led To the Discovery Of My Late Grandma's Unusual Homemade Recipe That Melted 55lbs of Raw Fat Off My Body
From her 107-year-old recipe book stuffed away in our attic...
That melted over 50 pounds of nagging fat off my body…
With barely any effort at all.
A forgotten recipe that’s been hidden away in an attic for over 40 years…
That you can use to drop pounds of raw fat before you go to bed…
Night after night...
Without changing your diet…
Or doing any exercise whatsoever.
A secret recipe so powerful...
That it reversed 20 years of failed diets and frustration.
After just one night...
I was down 3 pounds...
And the weight kept melting off after that.
Day after day...
Until I lost 55lbs of nagging fat from my belly, thighs, hips and face...
While supporting a healthy heart, strong joints, and healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Why Does This Secret Recipe Work So Well?
Because it uses three main ingredients that release fat-burning compounds as they digest in your body.
You see, most foods clog up your intestines and liver after you eat them...
Which turns the food you eat directly into fat...
That's why it feels like you gained 5lbs after eating a big meal.
However, this simple 1-minute long-lost recipe forces your body to release more fat throughout the digestive process...
Leaving you feeling lighter and leaner...
Instead of heavier and bloated.
Freeing me from the stress and anxiety that was ruining my life...
While rapidly increasing my energy and sex drive to where it was in the glory days of my youth.
But here's the real secret...
New Research From Penn State University Found That Having This Warm, Savory Drink Twice Daily Boosts Weight Loss By 200%
For the normal person, that means losing an extra 4-12 pounds in just one week...
And up to 28 pounds in just one month.
A University of Arkansas research team found that it significantly boosts metabolism even in women 70 or older.
That's key because your metabolism is supposed to slow down as you get older.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
And the best part is...
You don't even have to change your diet.
Day after day, I stepped on the scale and was a pound or two lighter...
It's like my body was suddenly burning all these extra calories...
And my stomach started flattening out...
Because my cravings were gone and I wasn't hungry all day long.
It's Like 'Drano' For Your Clogged Belly Fat
Once you start sipping it throughout the day...
Or before bed for an extra fat-burning boost...
You'll finally have the answer to melting away pounds of body fat whenever you want.
It doesn't matter if you have 10 pounds to lose or 100lbs...
Whether you have a slow metabolism...
Or if you're cursed with bad genetics.
It's proven to work if you have no willpower, self-discipline or motivation...
Or if you have intense sugar and junk food cravings.
Whether you've tried every diet plan out there...
Or if you're simply getting older and want to take your health more seriously...
So you're not stuck with a huge pile of doctor bills...
Or your retirement savings being flushed down the drain on prescription medications that don't solve the root problem.
All you need is 1-minute a day to whip up this warm and soothing homemade recipe...
That'll help kill your cravings, flatten your stomach and burn handfuls of frustrating body fat around the clock.
Just Follow This Unusual 1-Minute Ancient Ritual & Watch As the Fat Starts Melting Off Your Belly
If it feels like you’ve tried everything and nothing ever works for you...
Like low-fat…
High protein…
Skipping meals...
Or if it works for a few weeks…
But then you gain all the weight back when you start eating carbs again…
Then please pay close attention…
And just hear me out for the next 2 minutes…
Because I guarantee you’ve never tried anything like this before…
Where no foods are off limits.
And you can eat as much as you want.
If You're Skeptical Because You've Been Burned In the Past
And you don't want to waste your time on another diet fad that doesn't work or is too hard to stick to...
All I can say is...
I know how you feel.
That's why I spent the last year digging through research that proves this works.
Research from Penn State University, the University of Arkansas, and the University of Michigan...
Three elite universities in the United States that proves this works on a scientific and biological level.
All you have to do is follow the simple 1-minute homemade detox ritual…
To change your life and your body for the better.
So if you have 15, 20, or 30 or more pounds to lose...
Of if you're in your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's or beyond...
And are suffering from excess belly fat, lack of energy, or premature aging...
Then this simple 1-minute homemade recipe is about to change all that starting today.
You'll discover exactly how it works...
All the science behind WHY it works...
So you can start using it tonight before you go to bed...
For a powerful and rapid fat burning boost.
Thousands of people around the world are sipping this morning, noon and night, like...
Christina, a 63-year-Old Woman From Cedar, Texas...
Who failed on dozens of diets…
And yet, her sister’s rapid weight loss inspired her to try something new.
Within the first week, she was shocked.
“It seemed like I was eating too much…
But I stuck with it.
And I lost 11 pounds in the beginning.”
With her energy and motivation steadily climbing…
She lost 52 pounds…
And traded in her size 19’s for 6’s.
Joanne Crawford, a 69-Year-Old Grandmother of Three From Saginaw, Michigan Lost 8 Sizes And Said...
“In two weeks, my clothes were falling off me.
My energy was back…
And I was back to being the fun grandma who could do anything with her grandkids.”
The best part is...
She did it without skipping meals...
Without doing any exercise...
And without forcing herself to give up her favorite foods forever.
Grandma's Secret Recipe For a Thin Waistline At Any Age
Hi, my name is Rosie Robinson.
I'm not a doctor...
I'm not a dietician...
And I’m not some social media “fitness expert” who’s never been fat a day in their life.
I'm just a retired nursing assistant...
Who's consistently gained weight every year since high school.
I'm also a mother of two wonderful boys...
And I live with my husband Scott in the heart of Missouri.
I was skinny all throughout high school...
I loved being active...
I was on the soccer and field hockey teams all four years...
And looking back on it now, I took it all for granted.
The Bigger I Got, The Slower I Was Able To Get Up Off the Floor While Playing With My Son
My mom warned me that after having kids...
...your body is never the same.
And I remember brushing it off.
But it's exactly what happened to me.
I put on 30 pounds during my first pregnancy with Elliott...
And we got pregnant again about three months after that.
So my body never got a chance to recover.
The weight stayed on...
And I put on another 20 pounds with Jacob in my belly.
Before I knew it...
Both our kids were a year old...
And I was still carrying around an extra 50 pounds on my body.
I had nightmares that Scott was cheating on me...
Or that he'd leave me because I didn't look like the woman he married anymore.
I started blowing our savings on a home gym...
A brand new treadmill...
Personal trainers...
And nutritionists to help clean up my diet.
Don't get me wrong, I did lose a few pounds...
But I could never work hard enough to keep it off.
Do You Ever Feel Like Losing Weight Is Such A Hard Uphill Climb That It's Not Even Worth It Anymore?
That's how I felt after months of low-calorie diets...
Working my butt off in the gym...
And having barely anything to show for it.
After all, if your entire life becomes about dieting and exercise...
Then what's the point?
After a couple weeks when the scale didn't budge...
Even though I was eating less and sweating bullets in the gym...
I had enough.
So if you've ever felt hopeless...
Like there's nothing sustainable that will actually work for you...
I understand.
Because that was me for most of my adult life.
Then I Got the Invitation To My Best Friend Nicole's Wedding From High School
We’ve kept in touch since high school…
Talking on the phone…
Emailing back and forth...
But we hadn’t seen each other in over 10 years...
Because we live on opposite sides of the country.
And so, as I started thinking about heading back to my hometown for the bridal shower…
I was nervous to see all my old friends again.
We all went our separate ways since high school…
Going to different colleges…
Moving to different cities for work...
Having kids and dealing with the toll that takes on your body...
And now we were all going to be together again…
For the first time in years.
I kept wondering...
Is it going to be the same as it was in high school?
It's been so long, will they even like me anymore?
When I Showed Up To The Rehearsal Dinner...
I saw everyone looking at me the moment I walked in the room…
I could see them whispering to each other with these confused looks on their faces…
Like they were trying to figure out who I was.
When I walked up to Nicole with a huge smile on my face…
Ready to give her a big hug…
She said...
“Rosie, is that you?”
I tried to laugh it off…
Like she was playing a joke on me.
But then I looked in her eyes…
And I knew she was dead serious.
“Of course it’s me, stop being silly”, I said…
I knew something was off when she couldn’t look me in the eye…
And the shock on her face when I first walked in…
Will stick with me forever.
I felt sick...
I Had Such A Huge Pit In My Stomach I Just Wanted To Disappear
Everyone was looking at me...
And I knew what they were all thinking...
"She just gave up and doesn't care about her body anymore."
I ran out of the room and locked myself in my car...
Sobbing all over the pretty purple dress I squeezed into...
...hoping it'd be one of the best nights of my life.
But it was just another reminder of how I let myself go.
Honestly, I couldn't blame Nicole...
The last time she saw me…
I was an all-conference forward on our high school soccer team…
And now I couldn’t even run up and down the field once if I tried.
I had to come to grips with the fact that I wasn't just overweight...
I had 55 pounds of nagging fat hanging off my body that should NOT be there.
I always tried to hide from it...
I'd never look at myself naked in the mirror...
I always wore baggy clothes to hide my tummy...
And I justified it by constantly reminding myself that I was getting older...
I wasn't a spring chicken anymore...
And that's what happens when you get older...
You get fat.
That's just the way it is.
Always has been...
Always will be.
That Bridal Shower Weekend I Hit Rock Bottom
I felt like I was this monster who couldn’t control my appetite…
And I could tell all my old friends were wondering…
“Why’d she let herself go?”
They thought I was getting a divorce…
Or I got laid off from my job…
When the truth is…
It was so much work trying to maintain a healthy weight…
That I finally got so frustrated…
I just gave up…
And stopped obsessing over my body.
If that meant I’d gain a few pounds then so be it…
But I never thought it would go this far…
Where my best friends for years didn’t even recognize me anymore.
That’s when I knew something had to change.
I just couldn't stand living in this body anymore...
Feeling the rolls of belly fat pile up every time I sat down...
Squeezing myself into dresses and jeans that just didn't fit anymore...
I knew it was up to me to start doing something different...
The problem was…
I Had No Idea Where To Start
If you go online...
There are millions of diet programs...
Tons of workout videos...
And there's just so much information...
It all becomes so confusing and overwhelming.
So I did my best to figure it out on my own.
I started eating oatmeal for breakfast...
I had a salad for lunch...
And more protein for dinner.
I just tried to white-knuckle it and force myself to eat less...
Thinking my body would eventually start burning more calories and fat.
I stopped going out for lunch with my co-workers...
I cut out all fast food...
And I started walking for an hour every night after dinner.
Then I stepped on the scale, and...
After Three Weeks I Only Lost 2 Measly Pounds
Now, don’t get me wrong…
Two pounds in less than a month is good.
But I was hoping for something more.
It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re not even losing a pound a week.
So I did what most people do…
I jumped from diet to diet…
Desperately trying to find what would work for me.
I tried low-carb…
And while my energy was at an all time high…
I only lost a pound.
I tried fasting…
Herbal teas…
Counting calories…
Interval training…
You name it, I tried it.
On the surface, I should have been the healthiest person in the world.
I was so obsessed with everything…
I was tracking all my food…
And exercising for at least an hour every day…
I Should Have Dropped Like 30 Pounds...
But I didn’t.
I lost a couple pounds…
Then they’d come right back on when I let my foot off the gas.
So I started blaming myself.
I figured there must be something that I was doing wrong.
I mean, all these other women are out there who look amazing without even trying…
While I bust my butt and can’t even lose 5 pounds.
I just don’t get it.
What are they doing that I’m not?
Later that night…
I was scrolling through social media....
And saw a post from a doctor with millions of "fans" across the world.
Everyone was commenting and sharing his videos…
So I figured he must know what he’s talking about.
After watching a few of his videos…
It’s like a giant light bulb turned on inside my head.
He was talking about how a sluggish liver may be the reason millions of women struggle with weight loss.
And how this problem has become extremely common over the last 10 years.
University of California Researchers ID the Hidden Food Additive Causing "Liver Slowdowns" for 80% of Women Over 45
Think about the absolute worst traffic jam you've ever been in.
For me, it was five and a half hours on the California turn pike.
Bumper to bumper...
Horns honking...
People yelling out of their windows...
And suddenly, up ahead, you see a rest area with restaurants and bathrooms.
All the cars start existing off to take a break or wait until the traffic dies down...
...instead of continuing down the highway at a snails pace.
Soon enough, the exit ramp is backed up...
The parking lot is full...
And all of a sudden there's nowhere to go.
This is exactly what's happening at mealtime in the livers of 80% of women over 45...
Causing a condition known as "Sluggish Liver Syndrome".
All The Food You Eat Arrives At Your Liver At the Same Time & Everything Gets Backed Up
When that happens...
The liver basically turns that extra food into fat...
Which is how fat gets stored in the liver.
Once your liver is full and can't store any more fat...
It spills over into the cells in your belly, hips and thighs.
The liver plays such an important role in breaking down and burning fat...
The more fat you have in your liver...
Which you can't even see...
The harder it is for your body to burn up the fat stored on your body.
Even worse...
As fat begins to pile up in the liver...
It paralyzes liver enzymes that convert vitamin D to it's active form.
That's important because this prevents vitamin D from regulating blood sugar...
And it drastically slows down weight loss.
In An Australian Study, Participants With a Fat-Clogged Liver on a Low-Calorie Diet Lost 55% LESS Weight - And Lost It 37% More Slowly - Than Those With a Clean, Healthy Liver
Over time, all this backed-up food clogs your metabolism...
...blocking your body's ability to absorb and use nutrients that keep you thin and young.
It's like trying to drive down the highway in a traffic jam with your parking brake on.
You're stuck...
You stall...
You can't move forward...
And nothing ever gets any better.
Before Long, Your Body Becomes So Overwhelmed...
It starts generating new fat cells to store all this extra fat...
So instead of burning it off, which is what your body is naturally designed to do...
It spills over into new fat cells around your belly, hips, thighs and butt.
And as those fat cells continue to expand...
Your belly gets bigger...
Your thighs thicker...
Cellulite starts to form as your skin stretches to cover your expanding fat cells...
And what most people never realize...
Is that all this extra fat is resistant to traditional diet and exercise...
Which is why eating more veggies…
Doing more cardio…
Or eating more fresh fruit NEVER works to get the weight off.
If it was that simple, everyone would be thin.
Yet we’re eating more veggies than ever…
And the pounds still aren’t coming off.
Because all the veggies and cardio in the world does NOT address the sluggish liver syndrome...
...that's clogging everything up.
How Do You Know If "Sluggish Liver Syndrome" Is Clogging Up Your Fat-Burning Metabolism?
(Do This 5-Second Test)
Sagging skin…
Stiff joints…
Muscle aches…
Having to eat every couple of hours...
An inability to lose weight…
Eating quickly or while you’re on the go...
Eating late in the evening...
Constant hunger...
These are all signs that your liver has slowed down and stopped breaking down fat.
This slowdown causes all the food you eat to arrive at your liver at the same time...
Creating a massive pileup that turns more food into fat...
It causes your fat-storage to double…
Because it all gets shuttled into your fat cells…
Where it sits and grows month after month.
Luckily, once you make just one simple change…
The benefits are almost immediate…
And you can undo the effects of years of bad habits in just a few days.
The Secret 1-Minute Keto Detox Hack That Unclogs Your Metabolism For Rapid Fat Loss After 45
Belly Fat Melts Off First!
After discovering why my body was holding onto so much extra fat…
I was desperate to get it fixed.
I could just feel the toxic fat building up inside my body…
With my belly feeling bigger and bigger by the day…
Just remember, when your liver starts overflowing with fat...
Your body can't burn off the fat around your belly, hips or waist.
It just sits there, stuck...
No matter how hard you diet...
Or how long you exercise.
And so, I started reading everything I could get my hands on…
And what I kept coming back to were three fat-blasting nutrients…
That start unclogging your backed up liver...
Usually within just 24 hours…
So your body can start breaking down and burning more fat...
To flatten your stomach fast.
Fat-Blasting Nutrient #1 - Glycine
Glycine is an amino acid your body uses to create proteins..
And it’s really important for hormonal function as you get older.
Have you ever heard that your hormones get all out of whack as you get older?
That’s because you may not have enough glycine.
Now, here’s why it’s really important…
Believe it or not, millions of people struggle to lose weight because they’re not getting enough high-quality sleep.
You see, most of the body’s fat-burning occurs while you’re sleeping.
That’s because you’re obviously not eating while you’re sleeping…
So when your body has burned through all the calories you ate during the day…
It turns to your stored fat and starts burning that up next, while you’re sleeping.
That’s why most people feel a little lighter and leaner first thing in the morning.
However, when your sleep quality is poor…
Your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol…
Which stops fat-burning in its tracks.
Glycine helps cool you down by increasing blood flow to certain areas of the body…
When your body cools down…
It releases melatonin, which helps put you to sleep.
And it has a calming effect on the brain…
So if your brain is always going 100 miles an hour while you’re trying to fall asleep…
Having some glycine before bed can be a huge help.
Fat-Blasting Nutrient #2 - Choline
According to doctors, choline is very important when it comes to supporting a healthy liver.
The nutrient helps the liver break down fat...
Plus it turns on enzymes that make fat-burning more efficient.
Even better...
It shuts down the production of hunger hormones...
Which helps you feel full longer.
When you cut down on snacking because you're too full to eat...
Something magical happens.
Your liver plays "catch up" and has more time to break down food and fat...
Which means you won't have this backlog of fat that your liver is trying to burn through.
Instead, it'll burn through any fat quickly...
Giving it time to then start burning your stored fat around your belly, buns, and waistline.
Fat-Blasting Nutrient #3 - Collagen With Acerola Cherry
Collagen is the body’s most abundant protein in our body that:
- Gives you a dramatically faster and younger fat-burning metabolism(1)
- Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, cellulite, and visible signs of aging(2)
- Eliminates cravings and hunger(7)
- Balances your fat-burning hormones(8)
- Supports healthy bones, joints and muscles(3)
- Maintains longer, stronger and healthier hair(4)
- Supports your heart and arteries(5)
- Get better, more restful sleep(6)
Basically, it’s what makes up our bones, muscles, tendons, connective tissues, and even our skin!
Without it, your metabolism slows down…
You get wrinkles...
And your muscles and joints become weaker.
Unfortunately, our body's collagen production naturally begins to slow down as we get older.
Which is why so many people look and feel so much older than they are.
This leads to visible signs of aging...
Sagging skin...
And joint pains due to weaker cartilage.
Now, when it comes to collagen...
You want to make sure it contains acerola cherry.
Acerola cherry is packed with Vitamin C…
Which helps support collagen production.
That way you can quickly build up your lost collagen stores…
And increase your metabolism even faster.
This Secret Homemade Keto Broth Melted 7lbs Off My Body In The First 7 Days
After staying up all night learning this new information, I have to admit…
I felt a little overwhelmed.
Don’t get me wrong, I was excited to finally know what was going on inside my belly…
And why it was constantly storing fat 24/7…
But despite all that…
I still didn’t know how to fix it.
So I just started small…
And did the obvious things…
Like adding more veggies to my meals…
And cutting out the fast food.
Then a few days later…
My Husband Came Walking In Kitchen With An Old, Musty Book Under His Arm
“What’s that?”, I asked…
“I found it while I was cleaning out the attic”, he replied.
It looked like an old cookbook…
I’m talking REALLY old…
It was all black and white…
The pages were weathered and thin…
You could tell it’d been used a lot…
And in the back, there was a passage to my late grandmother.
This must have been one of her old recipe books.
As I started paging through it…
An old recipe fell out onto the floor.
It Was My Grandma's Famous Homemade Bone Broth Recipe
The funny thing is…
It was nothing like the bone broth you see today.
We decided to whip up a batch of it that night to remember her…
It was so savory and full of flavor…
It felt like it was “warming up” my stomach…
And the strangest thing happened the next morning…
3 pounds just “fell off” the scale!
I couldn’t believe it…
The recipe made plenty of leftovers…
So I sipped it throughout the week…
And 5 days later I was down another 11lbs and two dress sizes.
The weight was literally just falling off…
Which had NEVER happened to me before.
Even when I went on a diet…
I’d be lucky if I lost a pound or two in a month…
And here I was, losing fat every single day.
A University of Michigan-Led Study Found It Contains a Significant Source of the Hormone Adiponectin
Which Rapidly Breaks Down Fat in the Body
Wondering why this was working so fast...
I came across two studies that blew the lid of how fast fat loss is supposed to work.
And it's all thanks to a fat cell hormone called adiponectin.

According to a breakthrough study from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine...
Which was published in Penn Medicine News...
The fat cell adiponectin causes weight loss without affecting appetite.
It raises your metabolic rate without affecting your appetite.
Most hormones cause weight loss by suppressing your appetite...
But this is the exact opposite.
You start burning more fat without affecting your appetite at all...
...which is great news for people who love food and love to eat.
And it explains why I was still eating tons of food...
...yet the fat was melting off like crazy.
Then I supercharged the recipe...
By adding collagen and acerola cherry to it.
Suddenly, the broth tasted so smooth and rich…
I started sipping it all day long.
My hunger pangs were finally gone…
My cravings diminished…
My stomach stopped rumbling all day long…
And my body just felt amazing.
My skin started clearing up…
My energy was at an all time high…
And my husband couldn’t keep his hands off me.
After just 10 days, I was down a whopping 21 pounds…
And three jean sizes…
It’s like I had this magic elixir that killed my cravings and made my belly feel full…
Every day my stomach flattened out a bit more…
And I know this may sound vain…
But I started checking myself out in the mirror every morning…
Because I was just so shocked that the weight was coming off this fast…
It was almost like a dream…
And I had to look in the mirror every morning after I woke up…
Just to make sure it was real.
My Kids Shouted When I Walked Through The Door
"Whoa, Mom!! You've Lost Weight!"
I Was Beaming!!
Trust me, I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes..
My belly was disappearing right in front of me…
I didn’t have to suck in like crazy just to get my jeans on…
My face looked younger and tighter...
I was getting more done around the house…
Because I finally had the energy to do it…
My husband and I were going on more date-nights…
Out in public…
Because I actually wanted to be seen…
And we even started taking walks around the block together after dinner…
Just because it felt so good to be up and moving.
I couldn’t have said that 6 weeks ago.
And after three months…
I had lost 55 pounds…
My stomach was flat…
My arms were tight and firm…
And I was able to fit into the jeans I wore 20 years ago BEFORE I had kids.
But that’s not the best part.
A few weeks later...
I Stood Up as a Bridesmaid at Nicole's Wedding and Everyone Was SHOCKED
When I showed up…
In my light purple bridesmaid dress…
My old high school friends couldn’t believe it was me..
Nicole came running up to me…
Her jaw almost hit the floor…
And if we’re being honest…
I think she was a little jealous…
Because I was accidentally stealing the show on her wedding day.
But I wasn’t going to hide who I was anymore.
The best man even tried sneaking in a dance with me…
While my husband was in the bathroom.
And the look on his face…
When I politely declined…
Was priceless.
I felt like a totally new woman.
And here’s the best part…
I'm NOT Special...
You Can Lose a Crazy Amount of Weight With This Unique Bone Broth Hack
Just imagine being 10, 20, 30 or more pounds lighter…
Easily slipping into your favorite jeans every morning…
Walking around the house in a tank top, showing off your new tight and toned arms…
Getting complimented when you walk into work…
From people who’ve known you for years…
Who just can’t believe how amazing you look.
Being able to shop wherever you want…
Fitting into petite clothes because you no longer have to hide your belly.
Christy Lost 101 Pounds
"35 Years Of Struggle...Gone!"
For 35 years, trying to lose weight felt like an uphill battle for Christy.
After dozens of failed diets and backslides...
Her doctor told her that her liver was clogged with fat...
Which stopped it from flushing toxins from her body.
Desperate to make a change...
Christy addressed her backed up liver head on...
In the first month, she melted off 15 pounds and felt her energy shoot through the roof.
"I constantly lost about 10 pounds a month after that."
And within one year, she lost 101 pounds.
Now, two years later, she's kept off ALL the weight...
Despite going through menopause.
"I felt hopeless for decades but now I've found a better way!"
Darline Lost 9lbs in the First 6 Days

Maria Lost 7lbs in the First 3 Days

After being humiliated in front of Nicole...
And my closest friends from high school…
It lit a fire in my belly that was never there before.
And after seeing such amazing, life changing results…
With something so quick and easy…
That anyone can do…
I knew I had to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.
Specifically, busy women who are frustrated with extra belly fat that won’t go away no matter what you try.
In the beginning, I had no plans of making this public…
I just wanted to honor my late grandmother…
But I didn’t want millions of women around the world to miss out on this rapid fat loss secret…
So I sat down at my computer…
With my grandma’s secret recipe…
And put it into a simple 14-day program…
To help you drop up to 21 pounds…
And flatten your belly for good.
That’s why I’d like to introduce you to:
The 14-Day Keto Liver Detox
The 14-Day Keto Liver Detox is an all natural keto fat-burning program for women and men over 45 based on done-for-you meal plans...
Delicious fat-burning keto recipes...
And personal accountability, support and motivation...
To melt away up to 22lbs in just 10 days.
In fact, most people feel a difference in their waistline in just 24 hours.
You see, after finally getting off the diet rollercoaster and finding something that flat out works...
I made it my mission to help at least 50,000 struggling women and men drop at least 15 pounds...
And the only way to do that was to put together all my secrets into an easy-to-use blueprint that anyone can follow.
This NEW fat-burning system is designed specifically for women and men over 45 who hate dieting, love food, and want a flatter stomach without having to exercise every day.
If this sounds like you, then this unique 14-Day Keto Liver Detox is the solution you've been searching for.
The Keto Liver Detox Will Melt Away More Fat Than Running 3 Miles a Day
When you start sipping this warm, savory broth throughout the day...
Combined with these delicious keto meals that are so easy to make...
You can start burning twice as much liver fat.
Which then frees it up to break down and burn off fat stored throughout the rest of your body.
Most people never lose the fat off their body because their liver is clogged...
...and can't burn through all the liver fat first.
In One Recent Study, Women on a Keto Liver Detox Dropped More Than TWICE As Much Weight As Women On a Calorie-Restricted Diet
But the benefits go way beyond just weight loss.
In studies, detoxing your liver with a keto diet has been shown to:
- Improve memory by 62%
- Boost mood by 52%
- Decrease heart-harming triglycerides by 300%
And When Teresa Long, 57, Focused on Keto Foods To Detox Her Liver, She Lost 102 Pounds in 4 Months
While getting off her blood pressure medications...
Eliminating her joint pain...
And made drastic improvements in her type 2 diabetes.
The quilting enthusiast from South Dakota said...
"My doctor says my liver function is ideal now.
The whole point of doing this was to get healthy, stay healthy and feel great.
Now that I'm here, I'm never going back!"
No Other Solution Will Slim You Down Like This Famous Homemade Flat Belly Broth
I apologize if I’m making this sound too easy…
But once you start sipping this broth throughout the day…
You’re going to notice that your belly feels warm and satisfied.
That’s key because when that happens…
You’re no longer tempted to snack all the time…
Your cravings go way down…
You’re not always thinking about food…
And you can easily skip your mid-morning and afternoon snack without even realizing it.
This coming from a woman who's been on every diet imaginable...
I’ve done the frozen dinners…
The shakes for breakfast and lunch with a sensible dinner…
The low carb meals…
Filling half my plate with veggies…
You name it, I tried it.
And it wasn’t until I started working with my body…
Giving it the nutrients it needs…
Without restricting all the foods I love…
That’s when I finally started seeing results.
So if you’re tired of the kale smoothies…
The boring salads for lunch…
And watching everyone else in your family eat real food…
...while you sit there with a lukewarm “portion-sized” dinner…
Then the 14-Day Keto Liver Detox isn’t just the best solution for you…
It’s the ONLY solution.
For the Longest Time My Weight Simply Would NOT Budge
I started at 190lbs and worked my butt off in the gym…
Counting calories, drinking nothing but water…
Working out some more…
Cutting more calories…
And after three weeks, I lost two measly pounds.
I was literally working out every single morning…
Jogging, squats, the elliptical, weights…
And the Second I Stopped Working Out and Counting Calories...
The weight started slowly creeping back up.
That’s why I feel like it was a godsend that I discovered my grandma’s homemade bone broth recipe…
Because I was on the verge of burning out…
Heck, I WAS burnt out…
And every time the weight would come back on…
My hope would shatter.
That all changed and it’s why I feel like I have a new lease on life…
And I’m sorry if I’m sound a bit over the top…
I’m just so excited to share with you something that finally worked for me…
When NOTHING else did.
In the beginning, I was losing a pound or two a day…
And this time, something strange happened…
I never hit a stall!
My weight just kept going down until all 55lbs that I gained since high school were gone…
And to this day…
Not one pound has come back.
This Proven Belly Slimming Blueprint Works For Anyone, At Any Age, At Any Weight, Even If:
Nothing Ever Works For Me
If nothing ever works for you when it comes to losing fat…
Then I would just say that you haven’t found the right solution for YOU yet.
That’s all.
I mean, when’s the last time you used a unique bone broth recipe consistently day after day?
I’m guessing probably never, right?
And that’s why it works so well.
Not only are you giving your body brand NEW nutrients and compounds that it’s NOT getting right now…
You’re releasing the brakes on fat loss, which slows so many people down.
The truth is, if you’re struggling to lose weight…
Then it’s time to try something new that you’ve never tried before.
A new approach that’s been proven to work on thousands of women already…
...who are no different than you.
I'm Too Old & My Hormones Are Out of Whack
I don’t blame you…
For years you’ve been brainwashed into thinking that losing weight is virtually impossible as you get older…
Especially for women…
Everyone is telling you your body will never be the same after having kids…
How it’s designed to hoard fat…
And how you should just accept it and move on.
Well, I can’t accept that…
Because not only have I transformed my own body…
Thousands of women around the world have done the same exact thing after the age of 45…
Some well into their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
All you have to do is address the hidden belly acids that slow down fat burning…
And when you do that…
Your body has no choice but to start burning fat again for energy.
I Can't Exercise
Look, here’s the truth…
Exercise is extremely overrated when it comes to weight loss.
Yes, it is great for heart health, clearing your mind, and become stronger…
...which are all important.
But when it comes to strictly burning fat off your body…
Exercise isn’t the most important thing.
After all, how many people do you see at the gym, or running around your block…
Who seem to be exercising like crazy…
And yet they never look and skinnier?
The truth is, you can lose as much weight as you desire without exercising at all.
Julie Lost 1.5 Inches of Fat Off Her Belly

Yolanda Lost 12 Pounds and Never Feels Hungry
"I was afraid at first, I thought I'd gain weight.
I really don't know how many days I've completed, but I have lost 12 pounds.
For the first time I'm not hungry, and I don't have to overfill on water to help me not overreat.
Thank you...
Finally someone has created a life changing program for busy people...
Easy and simple I love it."

Here's What You'll Receive When You Pick Up Your Copy of the Keto Liver Detox Today
14-Day Keto Liver Detox
The Keto Liver Detox is an easy to follow 14-day protocol designed to melt away the fat in the fastest time possible without exercise.
Within this protocol, you’ll receive my grandma’s famous homemade bone broth recipe…
You’ll know exactly how to make it…
And you’ll know exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It’s filled with dozens of fat-burning recipes…
Delicious meals…
And simple meal swaps that take the weight off without you ever feeling hungry or deprived.
In fact, you can eat as much as you want.

Keto Liver Detox Quick Start Guide
There's nothing worse than starting a new program...
...and being so confused you have no idea where to begin.
That's why I'm going to walk you through exactly how to get started with the 14-Day Keto Liver Detox.
I’ll tell you exactly what to do…
Which foods to buy…
Which ones to avoid…
And what to focus on first to make sure you have success with the program.
That way, you won’t be confused about how to get started or what to do next.
It’s all laid out for you, step-by-step...
...and you'll be able to ask questions and get near instant answers.

And When You Pick Up Your Copy of the Keto Liver Detox Today You'll Get the Following Bonuses Absolutely FREE
Bonus #1: Super Keto Flat Belly Smoothies
A unique twist on smoothies has dieters feeling full up to 329 calories sooner than normal.
If you do the math...
You can lose an extra 20-30 pounds in just one year...
By drinking more delicious, creamy keto smoothies.
You see...
When you get full and you feel satisfied on less calories...
Your body has no choice but to burn more of your stored fat for energy.
And if you consistently do this day in and day out...
Your stomach will flatten out...
You'll have more energy...
And you won't feel like you're on a "diet"...

Because you'll be enjoying yummy shakes and smoothies, like:
- Keto Peanut Butter Smoothie
- Keto Strawberry Collagen Shake
- Berries & Cream Smoothie
- Chocolate Almond Butter Cup
- Mint Chip Breakfast Smoothie
And a whole lot more.
The Super Keto Flat Belly Smoothies recipe book retails for $29.95...
But it's yours free when you pick up your copy of the Keto Liver Detox today.
Bonus #2: 24-Hour Keto Liver Detox
I don't know about you, but I'm all about FAST results.
What's the point of sticking to a diet if you aren't losing any weight?
That's why I put together an ultra-fast 24 Hour Keto Liver Detox.
That way you can start losing pounds and inches off your belly in just one day...
Not only will you feel and look better over the next 24 hours...
You'll suddenly have the motivation to keep going once you see the number on the scale finally going down.
And if weight loss becomes too rapid (more than 5 pounds per day)...
Simply switch to using this detox only once per week.

Bonus #3: 3-Day Keto Soup Diet
Women and men over 45 are going crazy for a new wave of weight loss soups that are so powerful...
They melt up to 2lbs a day...
And a dress size in a single week.
Why do they work so well?
Penn State University researchers found that the combination of solid foods in liquid tricks the body into feeling full about 400 calories sooner than normal.
If you do the math, that means you would lose about 41 pounds of extra weight this year without strict dieting or exercise.
Think of it like Mother Nature's appetite suppressant.
Just imagine how your body would look, move and feel being 50 pounds lighter without you doing any real "work".
Jessica, a 53 year old mom from Virginia...
Went from a size 18 to a 10 without making any other changes to her diet.

Bonus #4: Fat-Burning Keto Coffee Recipes
I don't know about you...
But I have to start my morning with a cup of coffee.
The only problem is, drinking regular black coffee can get old really fast.
And when you start adding in things like sugar, milk and half-and-half...
It does a lot of damage to your liver and your waistline.
That's why I put together a handful of fat-burning keto coffee recipes...
So you can get your body into fat-burning mode from the minute you wake up...
Along with the energy you need to make it through your day.

Bonus #5: 15 Keto Meals Under 15 Minutes
This was another lifesaver when I started my keto journey...
Because when you're working full time...
And you have a family...
It's HARD to spend every evening in the kitchen cooking for everyone.
There's just not enough time in the day.
That's why I put together an entire cookbook of fat-burning keto meals...
...that take 15 minutes or less to make.
That way you can still make delicious, mouth-watering keto meals that your whole family will love...
Without spending hours in the kitchen.
This cookbook retails for $34.95, but it's yours free when you pick up your copy of the Keto Liver Detox today.

These 5 Bonuses Are Worth $147 But You Get Them FREE When You Pick Up the Keto Liver Detox Today
Honestly, I wasn’t sure about adding all these bonuses for free…
After all, you’re going to get amazing results with the Keto Liver Detox all by itself.
However, I want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need… start getting the extra fat off as soon as today…
While keeping it off for good.
Which is why I’m happy to give away all the bonuses absolutely free as my way of saying thank you for investing in your own health today.
However, I can’t promise they’ll be available past today…
So make sure to grab your copy and all the free bonuses right now while you still can.
The Keto Liver Detox Is NOT For Everyone
While I want to help as many people as possible…
And while the Keto Liver Detox can work for anyone, it’s definitely NOT for everyone.
If you’re looking to drop 30 pounds of fat overnight with no work at all….
Then I’m sorry this isn’t for you.
By now you have to know that’s not really possible, right?
And while this program does work extremely fast…
I can’t promise all your weight loss problems will be gone after just one day.
You do have to follow the program…
Which is really easy to do…
And it works 99% of the time if you do follow it.
However, if you can’t follow a few simple steps…
Then please save your money…
Because I don’t want us to waste each other’s time.
This is ONLY for women and men who want to stop hoping for a new body and are ready to make it happen now.
I’ve made this as easy as possible…
So if you’re ready to get started…
Then the Keto Liver Detox is the BEST solution for you.
Don't Waste Money on a Gym, Personal Trainer, Or Pre-Packaged Diet Meals That Taste Awful
You Can Get These Rapid Fat Loss Secrets for a Fraction of the Cost
I spent most of my 30’s and 40’s desperately searching for a way to get the extra weight off…
I joined a gym that I never ended up using, only to be billed month after month…
When I didn’t have the motivation to go to the gym on my own…
...I hired a personal trainer, figuring he could kick my butt into gear.
But that didn’t work either…
In fact, I GAINED weight because at 25 years old, I don’t think my trainer knew what he was doing…
And he definitely didn’t understand how the female body works.
Then I went on every diet program imaginable…
Counting points…
Order dozens of pre-packaged meals and diet food…
And that never worked long term…
Because the minute I stopped buying their meals…
And went back to eating normal food…
The weight came right back on…
Plus an extra 10 pounds.
Over the Years I've Spent Over $15,000 Trying to Get My Weight Under Control
And it’s all been a huge waste of time.
That’s why I want you to learn from my mistakes without having to pay a huge price tag like I did.
Initially, my publishers wanted to charge $97 for this entire system.
And after all the money I’ve spent on myself, I figured that was a fair price.
Especially since this has been proven to work with thousands of women and men all over the world…
Myself included.
However, looking at the obesity epidemic we have here in America…
And how two out of every three people are clinically overweight or obese…
I knew that something had to change.
That’s why I decided to take the suggested retail price of $97 and cut it in half…
And then take another 50% off after that.
This way, if you’re even remotely interested…
You can pick up your copy of the Slim Belly system today…
Plus all the bonuses…
For a fraction of the price.
You're Automatically Backed By Our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
To prove that this formula works and that you have nothing to worry about…
You can try out the entire Keto Liver Detox…
For a full 60 days…
And if you don’t get the results you’re looking for…
Just let us know, and you’ll get a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.
All you need to do is contact us within 60 days…
And we’ll refund your entire purchase right away.
That means you have two full months to test drive this entire system…
And if it doesn’t work for you, you pay nothing.
The Keto Liver Detox "Triple Guarantee"
Guarantee #1: Super Fast Results That Last
Look, I’m not here to help you lose a couple measly pounds over the next few months…
I’m all about FAST results…
Because the faster you see results, the more likely you are to stick with it…
And there’s no better feeling than when YOU prove to yourself that you can do this…
It’s like you’ll finally be in control of your body…
And your weight…
For the first time in what feels like forever.
Most people see results within the first 24 hours…
And go on to see incredible results in just the first week…
Plus, after a few days, if you’re not seeing the results you’d hoped for…
Just send our team an email and we’ll help get you on the right track.
That’s right, I want you to personally reach out to us if the fat isn’t coming off as fast as you’d like…
And we’ll personally coach you through this…
Until the weight starts coming off.
It’s only fair.
Guarantee #2: Anyone At Any Age Can Do This
Most people roll their eyes when I tell them age is just a number…
But after losing 55lbs in my mid 50’s…
I’m convinced now more than ever.
When you give your body exactly what it needs to start releasing the extra fat around your belly, buns, and thighs…
It truly doesn’t matter what age you are.
I’ve seen people in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond…
Get amazing results when nothing ever worked for them before.
You don’t need willpower…
Or self-discipline…
Or a fridge full of diet food.
Just follow a few simple steps that have been proven to work time and time again…
No matter how old you are.
Guarantee #3: The World's Best & Fastest Customer Service
When you invest in the Keto Liver Detox today…
You’re not just getting the world’s best female fat loss program…’re also becoming part of our family.
And we protect our family to the end.
So if you ever have any questions…
Or if you need any help at all…
All you have to do is reach out…
And we’ll be here to help.
If you’re not getting the results you want, just let me know and we’ll be here to help you…
If you’re not sure how to get started, reach out immediately because we’ve got your back…
If for some strange reason you lose a bunch of weight and then you hit a stall, we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.
You’re choosing to invest in yourself and your health by picking up the Keto Liver Detox…
And we’ll be here to make sure that’s the best investment you ever make.
FLASH SALE! Get Your Copy of the 14-Day Keto Liver Detox For 85% OFF Today
Every day I dream about seeing the Keto Liver Detox on bookshelves across America…
Which is why I’m working around the clock to make that happen.
But that also comes at a huge expense, when you think about printing, shipping and fulfillment costs…
Which add up fast.
That’s why I’m having a flash sale on the digital version so you can get it for a fraction of the cost without having to wait another year for the print version to come out.
I want to help action takers, women who are ready to get started NOW…
And want to try something new that works for almost every woman who tries it.
That’s why I’ve decided to practically give away the entire 14-Day Keto Liver Detox…
...for a one-time-only payment of just $19.
It’s first come first serve…
I Truly Have No Idea How Long This Flash Sale Will Be Running
So if you have any interest at all…
Go ahead and grab your copy of 14-Day Keto Liver Detox at the 85% off discounted rate…
Because the discount may not be available if you come back tomorrow.
Seriously, $19 is the price of a family fast food meal…
Which only ruins your waistline and makes your belly bigger.
Skip the drive through for just one day...
And finally get the belly slimming broth secrets that strip away female belly fat like crazy.
To activate your discount and get started today, simply click the button below…
Enter in your information into our 100% secure order form…
And you’ll receive instant access to the entire 14-Day Keto Liver Detox PLUS all the free bonuses.

$97 $47 $19
Greg Lost 21 Pounds in Just One Month

I've Been On Dozens of Diets That Never Work - Why Would This Be Any Different?
The reason most diets don’t work is because they’re created by men and fitness models who’ve never been overweight a day in their life.
They definitely don’t know how the female body works…
And it’s why most programs are simply based on cutting calories and exercising more.
By now you have to know that doesn’t really work long term.
Instead, when you start fueling your body with homemade bone broth that flattens your belly at the same time…
You’re giving your body the nutrients it needs…
To rapidly start burning fat…
And flush out the hidden belly acids that have been ruining your results for way too long.
You don’t need to go on another low-calorie diet…
You don’t need to start exercising for an hour or two a day…
All you have to do is start fueling your body with this flat belly broth…
And start eating more yummy, delicious foods that reprogram your body to burn fat around the clock.
Plus, I’ll be here to help you along the way.

$97 $47 $19
The Truth Is You're At a Crossroads And You Only Have Two Options
Option #1 is you can try and figure this out for yourself.
You can take everything you learned here and put together your own plan…
You can figure out exactly what to do…
What steps you need to take…
And motivate yourself along the way to keep going.
However, life’s probably going to get in the way like it always does…
Things will come up…
You’ll put this on the backburner…
And then 6 months from now…
You’ll be even more unhappy in your body than you are now.
You’ll fall back into the same old habits...
The same routines…
And nothing will change.
However, if you’ve made it this far…
I know you want something more.
Option #2 is you can take the easy way out…
Let me do all the hard work for you…
And follow a simple and proven blueprint to get the extra flab off as fast as possible…
In just minutes a day.
You can simply use all the tricks and secrets I’ve already figured out…
And By This Time Tomorrow You Could Already Be Down a Couple Pounds
You’ll wake up feeling lighter…
With way more energy…
And a week from now…
You can be down an easy 3-15 pounds…
Without really trying at all.
That’s how fast this works.
You’ll notice your belly starting to flatten out when you look in the mirror before going in the shower…
Your clothes will start to get loose around the waist…
Before long, you’ll be shopping for new belts to hold your jeans up…
Until your jeans are just way too big…
And you get to go out on a shopping spree for brand new ones.
So if you want to take the easy way out…
And simply follow a plan that’s been proven to work for women over 45…
Then click the button below…
And I’ll be waiting on the inside to help you.
$97 $47 $19
The 85% Off Discount Isn't Guaranteed Past Today
Heck, I can’t even guarantee it’ll be available if you come back later today…
Don’t wait until tomorrow…
Don’t wait until next week…
There is no “perfect time” to get started.
And the longer you keep putting this off…
The harder it’ll be…
So if you finally want to get the extra weight off…
In a simple and easy way that’s proven to work for women…
Then take advantage of this massive discount while you still can…
Simply click the button below to get your copy of the 14-Day Keto Liver Detox…
Plus all the bonuses…
For a one-time-only payment of just $19.
Thank you for taking the time to ready my story.
I appreciate it more than you can imagine.
To your long and healthy life,
Here Are the Most Common Questions About the 14-Day Keto Liver Detox
Question: How do I receive the meal plan, cookbooks and recipes?
Once you pick up your copy of the Keto Liver Detox, you’ll receive instant access to my grandma's secret bone broth recipe, meal plans, and cookbooks.
These programs are 100% digital and you will not receive a physical copy in the mail.
Simply follow them to the best of your ability...
And let your fat-burning hormones take care of the rest.
Question: If I’m not counting calories, how will I burn fat?
Counting calories is one of the worst things you can do.
When you count calories, you’re relying on eating less food to lose weight.
And that never works long term...
When you go on a low-calorie diet, your metabolism slows down...
You start burning fewer calories throughout the day...
Which leads to a weight loss plateau.
The truth is, burning fat and losing weight is all about your hormones.
When you decrease your fat-storing hormones…
And increase your fat-burning hormones…
You can eat MORE calories while burning the fat off your belly.
Question: I’ve tried dozens of diets and none of them ever worked, why would this be any different?
Here’s my best guess as to why past diets haven’t worked for you (I don’t know you personally, so I can’t say for sure)...
Most diets are filled with foods that create a hormonal reaction in your body to store more fat.
That’s why it’s not necessarily about the amount of food you’re eating…
Instead, it’s about the food itself.
Most “diet plans” are filled with foods I would never tell you to eat.
Like low-fat yogurt, crackers, and brown rice.
Even “healthy” fruits like apples, oranges, grapes, and bananas can have a negative effect on your body...
....depending on your hormones and how much weight you have to lose.
All I can say is...
Hundreds of women and men helped me test out this program, and about 95% of them lost 2-11 pounds in the first 10 days.
Question: What makes this program work?
The foods you’re going to eat in this program have been proven to:
Lower insulin (your #1 fat-storing hormone)...
Lower inflammation…
And help you feel full longer (curbs your hunger, less cravings, less desire to binge).
So when you’re eating foods that lower you’re insulin levels, you feel full longer so you’re less tempted to snack, and…
The weight starts coming off quickly.
And over time, your body starts burning your stored fat for fuel, instead of carbs and sugar.
That’s how you can lose a lot of weight quickly even if you don’t exercise.
Question: Am I too old to use this program?
My main specialty is helping women in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’, and 70’s consistently lose up to 10 pounds a month.
You’re never too old.
I always recommend speaking with your doctor before starting a new eating program…
But the truth is, this has worked extremely well for women all the way up to 80 years old.
Question: How do I get started?
To get started, simply click the button below.
Enter in your information into our 100% secure order form page…
And within minutes, you’ll receive an email with instant access to the program.
From there, start by going through the Quick Start Guide, and it will tell you exactly how to get started.
Then it’s off to the grocery store to buy more yummy, delicious foods!
Question: How Long Will It Take To Get Results?
Everyone is different, so I can’t make any guarantees.
However, most women start seeing and feeling a difference within the first 24 hours.
Whether that’s your pants fitting looser…
Your skin tightening up…
Your belly getting slimmer...
Or your cellulite fading away.
It’s different for every woman, but on average, most see changes within the first week.
Question: I feel too out of shape to get started. Should I wait until I lose a few pounds first?
That’s just crazy talk 🙂
The whole point of this program is to show you the healthiest way to lose weight and inches, which means…
You’re not supposed to be in shape to start this program!
This program is what’s going to get the pounds and inches coming off, so…
No, you don’t have to get in shape, or lose a few pounds before you start this program.
That’s what this whole program is for.
To show you exactly how to do it, so you don’t have to struggle anymore.
Question: What if I get stuck in the program and don’t know what to do?
That’s why my team and I are here.
Because unlike most weight loss programs, where you can’t get a hold of anyone to ask questions… this program you’ll have our personal email address.
So when you have questions or if you’re not sure why the weight isn’t coming off…
Just shoot us an email and our team will respond within 24 hours (usually much sooner).
We're here for you.
Question: What if the program doesn’t work for me?
In the rare chance the program doesn’t work for you, we have a few options…
Simply email me exactly what you’ve been eating over the past few days…
That way I can take a look, we can make some tweaks, and get the scale moving down again…
We can see if you’re not getting enough sleep (sleep plays a HUGE roll in weight loss)...
We can see if you’re too stressed (stress is the #1 weight loss killer)...
Or you can take advantage of our 100% money back guarantee and get a full refund with no questions asked.
So you really have nothing to lose because you can always get your money back if you want.
In most cases, we figure out the problem quickly, adjust, and the inches start coming off.
Question: Do I have to exercise?
Nope, you don’t.
But what will probably happen is…
After the first 10 pounds come off, you’ll WANT to exercise.
You’ll have more energy…
You’ll have less pressure on your bones and joints…
And you’ll start feeling better about yourself…
So you’ll want to be more active.
There are optional low-impact workout videos, but you do not have to use them to see results.
Question: How does the money back guarantee work?
Simply request a refund within 60 days of purchasing the program, and you’ll receive a 100% refund with no questions asked.
Question: How long with the program stay at just $19?
I can’t say for sure.
This is a “soft launch” which means we’re releasing this new program at a big discount.
It won’t stay this way forever...
So pick up your copy now while you can, otherwise...
Risk missing out on the heavily discounted price forever.