Ate ONE "Food" For 5 Days Straight and Lost 10 Pounds (Here's How)
Seattle's Top Weight Loss Doctor Raves:
"There are a few foods that are basically secret weapons when it comes to fat loss and this is one of them!"
- Smother it in Hot Fudge, Caramel, Chocolate Chips, or Whipped Cream and the Weight Starts Falling Off
- Curbs Your Cravings in Minutes and Kills Hunger for Hours
- You Can Make It Right at Home in Just 2 Minutes
- Eat as Much as You Want as Often as You Want GUILT-FREE
I woke up on the morning of my 37th birthday feeling fatter than ever.
My stomach felt thick...
Love handles collapsing over my jeans...
And when I looked in the mirror...
My face looked....
There’s no sugar coating it...
I was heavier than I’d been in months.
And as a husband and father of two young children...
I felt like I was setting a horrible example for them.
So right then and there...
At 10:44 in the morning...
Sitting in my underwear...
Belly hanging over my waistband...
I Decided To Do Something Crazy
Something unheard of...
That would either blow up in my face...
Or melt the fat off my belly faster than anything I ever tried before.
I was hoping for the latter...
But it was so out there...
That I kept it from my doctor...
My family...
And my closest friends.
I knew if I told them what I was about to do...
They’d think I was nuts.
And try to talk me out of it.
The only person I told was my wife.
And I swore her to secrecy...
The Next Morning I Stepped On The Scale
And saw 215 pounds staring back at me...
Which is more than I weighed in years.
Next, I took my measurements...
And most important of all...
I crossed my fingers...
Because I had no idea if this would work.
All I knew was that I absolutely HAD to get the flab off my belly.
It was like a flip switched in my brain...
And the only thing I cared about was getting the fat off my body...
As fast as humanly possible.
I just couldn’t live this way anymore...
I could feel my thighs rub together when I walked...
And I hated looking at myself in the mirror.
Something had to change and it had to change now.
Not just for me...
But for my kids.
So they could have a healthy and active dad...
That could take them on bike rides...
Play hide and seek in the backyard...
Give them piggy-back rides up the stairs into their bedrooms...
Without being completely out of breath.
And someone would be there for them whenever they needed me...
For the rest of my life.
That Morning I Saw a Social Media Post From a Doctor
I had bought his diet book months ago...
But like most of them...
It sat in the shelf...
Collecting dust.
Anyways, his post said...
"There are few foods that are basically secret weapons when it comes to fat loss and this is one of them."
Which is weird...
Because the food he was talking about has sugar in it.
It wasn’t fruit...
Or vegetables...
But by now most of us know...
That sugar causes weight gain.
Which is why I was so confused.
But I figured I had nothing to lose.
Because what I was doing at the time...
Clearly wasn’t working.
The doctor went on to say...
That when he was aggressively trying to lose fat...
He’d eat one to two pounds of this sugar filled food a day.
And It's The First Thing He Recommended To His Most Overweight and Obese Patients
Basically the more you ate...
The more you lost.
Don't get me wrong, I was extremely skeptical...
Even though he was a doctor...
Because I had been burned so many times in the past...
By the big promises...
That never lived up to the hype.
After yo-yo dieting for over 12 years...
My guard was always up.
But this time...
I was at the end of my rope...
And this was just crazy enough...
That it might actually work.
By the Way, I Forgot To Introduce Myself...
My name is Derek...
I’m not a doctor...
Or a dietitian...
I’m just a father to a beautiful 6-year-old girl...
A super-sweet 4-year old boy...
And a husband for the past 7 and a half years...
Who’s tried EVERYTHING when it comes to losing weight.
And when I say EVERYTHING...
I mean it.
This is really embarrassing to admit...
But back when I was in college 20 years ago...
I bought one of those ab belts you see on TV and late night infomercials...
That you wear around your tummy...
And when you turn it on...
It’s supposed to strengthen your abs...
And flatten your belly.
Yep, I fell for that scam.
Huge shocker that it didn’t work.
I also cut out meat and went plant based for a few months...
Then it was low-carb...
I tried fasting...
And counting calories.
I tried cutting out fast food completely...
And tried every anti-inflammatory diet known to man.
But none of them worked as well as I hoped.
They were just too hard to maintain long term.
And maybe my expectations were too high...
But the weight never came off as fast as I wanted it to.
So I always got bored...
Gave up...
Only to start again a few weeks later.
So When The Doctor Was Talking About This Secret Weight Loss Food...
That you can find at any grocery store...
And is affordable on even the tightest budgets...
I was intrigued.
But I’m also really curious.
I had to know WHY it works so well for fat loss...
...before I’d be willing to try it.
So I rolled up my sleeves...
And got to work.
Digging through the research...
Case studies...
And scientific articles from medical journals.
Anything I could get my hands on...
To prove that this really works.
After dozens of hours of exhaustive research...
I came across something that stopped me dead in my tracks.
It turns out...
The Reason Most People Are Overweight Is Because Of Uncontrollable Bi-Phasic Hunger
Have you ever had a meal or a snack, and then...
You’re hungry again an hour or two later?
That’s what’s known in the medical community as bi-phasic hunger.
Meaning your hunger is reduced temporarily and then before you know it...’re starving again.
If you need to have breakfast first thing in the morning...
If you can’t make it between breakfast and lunch without a snack...
If you can’t make it between lunch and dinner without having a little something to eat...
If you struggle with late night cravings...
These are all signs that you’re struggling with bi-phasic hunger.
This happens when you eat foods that cause your blood sugar to spike and then drop rapidly an hour or two later.
When your blood sugar gets back to normal...
It triggers a hormone called grehlin.
Grehlin is known as your “hunger hormone”...
And when it’s triggered...
You get hungry...
And cranky...
To the point where you NEED to have something to eat.
You get hangry...
And so...
You eat.
Which starts this viscous cycle all over again.
Bi-Phasic Hunger Is the Hidden Reason Why Millions Of Women & Men Are Overweight
It’s NOT because you’re lazy...
It’s NOT because you lack willpower...
And it’s NOT because of your genetics.
It’s because of this fat-storing type of hunger...
That ruins your hormones...
And causes your body to store fat at a higher rate.
It’s also the leading cause behind belly fat...
Accelerated aging...
Expanding waistlines...
And type 2 diabetes.
It Basically Tricks Your Body Into Feeling Hungry ALL the Time
So you keep eating trying to fill this hunger...
But this hunger never really goes away.
And so, your body starts to hoard fat...
You never get to a level of satiety...
Where you’re full for long periods of time.
Because your hunger hormones are shooting up and down...
All day long...
Which causes the cravings...
The binges...
And the hunger pangs...
That always ruin your results.
Can You Pinch an Inch Around Your Belly or Waist?
If you can…
You have what’s called visceral fat.
And that dangerous belly fat is associated with high cholesterol…
High blood pressure…
Elevated blood sugar…
And inflammation…
Which is why having belly fat is much more serious than most people realize.
And bi-phasic hunger is the puppet master…
Pulling the strings behind the scenes…
Making it so your body constantly craves food…
Which is why it’s so hard to lose more than just a few pounds.
Your body is working against you without even knowing it.
Luckily, You Can Fix It In Less Than a Minute
Once I started realizing why I was hungry all the time…
And why it was always such a struggle to lose weight…
It was all starting to make sense.
My body was actively working against me…
Because the human body is NOT designed to burn fat.
It wants to store fat in case you have to go days without food.
Now, that may have been common in prehistoric times…
But not today.
And now that I knew what the problem was…
It was time to figure out how to fix it.
And so…
I Started Researching This Secret Weight Loss Food
Because I see so many people eating it without losing any weight.
It just didn’t make any sense to me.
So I dug a little deeper…
And it turns out…
This food has the highest level of satiety per calorie.
That means it fills you up fast…
And keeps you full for hours and hours on end…
So when you eat this food FIRST…
Before anything else…
It helps prevent fat from entering into your cells…
Which means your belly gets smaller…
Your waist gets thinner…
And the extra fat covering your arms, thighs and butt starts to melt off.
Unfortunately, most people eat it as a dessert…
After their meals…
And so the weight doesn’t come off…
Because they’re eating it last instead of first.
And It's the #1 Food That KILLS Bi-Phasic Hunger
It’s almost impossible to eat this food…
And be hungry again an hour or two later.
Plus, it’s got a sweet taste to it…
Which helps curb cravings…
Eliminate hunger pangs…
And if you have late night cravings…
You can eat it right before bed and still burn fat.
Imagine how easy and effortless it would be to lose weight…
...if you weren’t hungry all the time?
A Groundbreaking Study From The University of Tennessee Found Something Shocking
When adults ate three servings of this secret weight loss food daily…
They lost 22% more weight…
And 61% more body fat…
Than those who simply cut calories.
Because when you just cut calories…
You’re hungry all the time.
Your “hunger hormones” shoot through the roof…
While you’re fat-burning hormones stay low.
It’s a no-win situation…
And it’s why it never works.
What's Even More Amazing...
The participants also lost a whopping 81% more fat in their stomach area…
Than the people who cut calories.
It was literally burning fat straight off their belly the more they ate.
Because their bi-phasic hunger wasn’t causing them to snack every 2-3 hours.
Their body was finally free to start burning up the stored fat around their body…
All day long.
Because when you get the right nutrients…
And when you feel full and satisfied…
Your body rapidly burns fat.
When you just cut calories…
Your body thinks food is scarce…
And so it hangs onto extra fat for protection.
In order to flatten your stomach and lose fat you need to achieve higher satiety per calorie
That way your body is full and satisfied…
And will start burning fat.
That’s why crash diets never work...
Because you’re never full or satisfied...
You feel miserable...
With no energy...
And fat loss comes to a screeching halt, or…
You give up a few days later...
Because your bi-phasic hunger gets way too intense.
What’s even better about this secret weight loss food…
On top of being very satisfying and filling, is...
It Immediately Cranks Up Your Fat-Burning Metabolism In Just Minutes
Not a day later...
Or a week later...
But that very same day.
Usually within hours.
And when you increase your metabolism…
You automatically burn more fat and calories.
Most people try to increase their metabolism with exercise...
However, if you only exercise 1-2 days a week…
Then your metabolism stays slow for the other 5 days.
It’s not like you exercise on Monday…
And your metabolism stays cranking along until Sunday.
You have to exercise every single day in order to increase your metabolism daily, and…
That’s a lot of work.
Which is why most people struggle with consistent weight loss.
However, when you simply eat more of this one delicious food…
Day in and day out…
Your metabolism can stay sky high…
Even if you never get your butt off the couch.
That's Because It Contains the Single Most Important Nutrient For Weight Loss & a Flatter Stomach
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine…
It helps boost metabolism [1]…
Reduces appetite [2]…
And changes several weight-regulating hormones [3].
After you eat…
Some calories are used for the purpose of helping you digest and break down food.
It’s called the “thermic effect of food” (TEF).
And this specific macronutrient…
Has a much higher thermic effect compared to all the other macronutrients combined.
It’s around 30%, which means…
If you eat 100 calories of this macronutrient…
It ends up as only 70 usable calories.
The other 30 calories are “burned off” in the digestive process.
Due to this high “thermic effect”...
It tends to boost your metabolism.
Your body has to do more work in order to break down this food…
Which means you burn more calories at rest…
Without even doing anything.
Studies Show This Can Help You Burn An Extra 200-500 Calories a Day Even If You Never Move a Muscle
For the standard adult…
That could be an extra 2-5 pounds a week.
Or 8-20 pounds in a single month…
And 50+ pounds in a single year…
Depending on how much weight you have to lose.
That’s why I always tell people…
You don’t need to exercise like crazy to lose weight.
Yes, it’s obviously good for your body and your heart to stay active…
But it’s 100% NOT necessary.
There's a much easier way...
Here's the Real Secret...
Eating more of this secret weight loss food…
Reduces hunger and appetite in a few different ways…
Which can lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.
In other words…
You automatically end up eating fewer calories…
Without having to worry about counting them or portion control.
In one study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…
Participants automatically ate 441 fewer calories per day…
While feeling full and satisfied the entire time.
This built-in appetite suppressant…
While still eating all the food you want…
Is what makes this new type of weight loss so easy and sustainable.
You don’t have to rely on willpower or self-discipline anymore.
Now, you have the “appetite advantage”...
Where your hunger hormones aren’t going crazy anymore…
And your fat-burning hormones are at an all time high…
While you feel full, satisfied and satiated.
In this same study…
The Participants Lost 11 Pounds of Fat Without Restricting Anything
And it helps prevent weight regain…
Which means it’s harder to gain back the weight after you’ve lost it.
So not only will it help you lose weight…
Burn belly fat…
And flatten your stomach…
It can also help you keep the weight off long-term…
Which is key, because…
So many people drop 10, 15, even 20 or more pounds…
Only to gain it back a few months later.
This way you can lose the weight quickly…
In the safest, fastest and healthiest way possible…
And keep it off for years to come.
Once I realized why this secret weight loss food works so well…
I had to put it to the test.
What I Did Next Was Even Crazier Than Anyone Could Ever Imagine
Because I didn’t just start adding this food to my diet…
I vowed to ONLY eat this food for the next 5 days.
I figured if this food works so well at burning fat…
And since it’s delicious and loved having it as a dessert as a kid…
Then I had to go all in…
To get rid of my belly fat as fast as possible.
So I cut out all the vegetables…
And the fruit…
And the meat…
No potatoes…
No heart-healthy whole grains…
I simply ate this one food…
Along with some toppings to make it even tastier…
For 5 days straight.
To see if this would really work for me.
I Also Did Things Most Experts Tell You To NEVER Do
Like drinking diet soda…
Artificial sweeteners...
And eating processed foods...
Late at night...
Right before bed.
And in the morning.
I threw all the diet rules out the window...
Because they never worked for me before...
So why torture myself again?
This time, I wanted to do it my way...
And if it didn't work?
So what...
I was already miserable in my own body...
It couldn't get much worse.
During the First Day I Kept Waiting To Be Hungry...
But the uncontrollable hunger that ruled my life for years wasn’t there.
I quickly realized how much of my day was planned around food..
What I was going to eat…
What time I was going to eat at…
Who I was going to eat with…
Suddenly, I never felt so free.
It’s like this whole new world opened up to me…
Where I had more time and energy to do the things I always wanted to do.
I felt satisfied…
My stomach wasn’t rumbling all the time…
I wasn’t constantly thinking about food, in fact…
I felt great!
But it was only one day.
I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself…
Or too excited.
Because when I did that in the past… never lasted.
I just kept eating more of this one weight loss food.
The First Morning I Woke Up 1.8lbs Lighter
And my stomach felt a bit flatter.
I had more energy...
And a pep in my step that I hadn’t felt since my wedding day.
As the days went by...
I kept losing more weight...
1 pound...
3 pounds...
7 pounds...
13 pounds...
I was shocked...
I just couldn’t believe it...
A few weeks later my wife walked into the bathroom and gasped!
“Oh my god, I can see your abs!”
I figured she was just trying to be nice
Because she was the only one who knew what I was doing
But then I looked in the mirror, and…
She was right!
I stepped on the scale
And I couldn’t believe the number looking back at me.
170.9 pounds.
I Lost 22 Pounds of Pure Belly-Bulging Fat
The crazy thing is…
I was about to enter my 40’s...
And I weighed 15 pounds LESS than I did in high school
Over 20 years ago
Suddenly, my body was a fat burning machine…
I felt invincible…
And grateful…
Because I finally found something that worked…
That I could see myself doing for the rest of my life.
Finally freeing myself of the diet fads and rules…
That make everything so confusing and frustrating.
The extra fat was coming off faster and easier than ever, and yet…
I Was Breaking Every "Diet" Rule Imaginable
I was eating tubs full of food…
Covered in caramel syrup...
Chocolate syrup...
Chocolate chips...
It was like I was having dessert at every meal...
My wife couldn’t believe how much I was eating...
And I was eating late at night...
Sometimes right before bed...
And the scale kept going down.
I was literally losing weight and burning fat in my sleep…
Because I’d weigh myself before I went to bed…
And again when I woke up.
I wasn’t counting calories...
Or cutting carbs...
Even better…
I wasn’t hungry first thing in the morning.
Back when I tried following a plant-based diet over 5 years ago…
I’d wake up at 4 in the morning absolutely starving.
I was so hungry it’d actually wake me up.
And I’d have a big bowl of oatmeal with fruit for breakfast
Only to be hungry again a few hours later.
I had to eat every 2-3 hours just to feel full and satisfied.
Which is how food started taking over my life.
I planned my whole day around it.
Now, I was able to go hours without eating and I felt fantastic
And when I did eat...
I ate until I was completely full and satisfied at every meal.
It Was the Simplest and Most Practical "Diet" Ever
However, I still thought it might be a fluke.
Look, I’m a guy...
And everyone says it’s easier for men to lose weight than women.
So I went back online…
And found the social media post from the doctor I follow…
About this secret weight loss food...
And when I looked at the comments below the post…
I was shocked.
Dozens of Women Were Doing the Exact Same Thing and Getting Incredible Results
Like Nina..
Who lost 2.75 pounds in the first three days...
And 13 pounds in the first month...
Even though she was having entire cheat days on the weekend.
Nicola Lost 43lbs & 19.5 Inches Off Her Belly, Waist & Thighs

Teresa Was Ecstatic To Lose 11.4 Pounds in the First Few Weeks

A Mom Named Amy Lost 7lbs in 2 Days And 37 Pounds Overall
She talked about how she was always full...
Always satisfied...
And she never felt deprived...
Because when you eat this way
You get the exact macronutrients you need
In the exact right amounts
To eliminate bi-phasic hunger at its source
Which allows your body to release stored fat
At an extremely fast rate.
Victoria Lost 16.8 Pounds in Just 8 Days
“It kept me totally full and satisfied for 5-6 hours.
My cravings were gone…
I even went to have my usual bedtime snack
And I couldn’t even bring myself to do it
Because I just wasn't hungry at all
And that NEVER happens!”
I Quickly Realized I Was On To Something BIG
Everyone who was trying it got amazing results...
And since I was losing so much weight...
People around me starting asking me what I was doing...
Because it was obviously working...
I looked like a completely different person...
And so, I wrote down exactly what I was doing...
On a single index card.
It was so simple...
And so easy...
It only took me a couple sentences to explain.
There were no complicated diet rules...
Or recipes that took hours to make.
People Could Read the Index Card In Less Than One Minute...
And know exactly what to do.
It’s like the confusion around dieting and weight was finally gone.
And since it was so easy to understand...
They were confident they could do it...
Which is key when it comes to weight loss...
And with anything in life.
The more confident you are...
The better you tend to do.
Because you don’t give up the second something doesn’t go your way.
You stick with it because you know you can do it.
When the Pounds of Fat Started Melting Off My Wife's Body...
In her 40’s...
After having two kids…
That’s when I knew I had to get this to as many people as possible
Because her hormones were still all out of whack…
She was knocking on the doorstep of peri-menopause…
And eventually full blown menopause…
Where it’s supposed to be harder than ever to burn fat and lose weight.
But she was proving it was the exact opposite.
Now, I may be naive...
But I genuinely thought this could help end the obesity epidemic...
That’s a major crisis in the world today.
People are having heart attacks in their 40’s...
Kids are getting diabetes…
I’m not talking about teenagers or young adults…
I’m talking about kids that are 7, 8, 9 years old…
And something needs to be done...
That’s simple and easy...
So even the most skeptical person can understand it...
And use it...
To get the extra fat off as fast as possible.
That's Why I Put Together All These Weight Loss Secrets Into an Easy-To-Use Protocol That I Nicknamed...
Flat Belly Now
Flat Belly Now is the most simple and practical weight loss system...
That anyone can use...
To drop pounds overnight...
And get down to the exact weight you want to be at.
It doesn’t matter if you have 15 pounds to lose...
Or 50.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman...
In your 40’s...
Or your 80’s...
It works incredibly fast...
All You Have To Do Is Eat This Secret Weight Loss Food With Your Regular Meals
You don’t have to exercise...
Although I did go for a walk once a day...
Because I like being active...
But it’s not required.
You don’t have to count calories…
And you don’t have to give up sweets and treats.
You can find this food any ANY grocery store…
In fact, you probably have some version of it in your kitchen right now.
It works great if you love eating food and have at least 10 pounds or more to lose.
I'm Sorry If I'm Making This Sound Too Easy
But that’s one of the reasons why it works so well.
There’s no confusion….
There aren’t 20 different rules you have to follow...
And if you love to eat...
Then this is right up your alley...
Because there are no limits...
You still get to eat carbs...
And you don’t have to cut out fat.
It’s the best of both worlds.
Now, let’s be honest…
Every Single "Diet" Out There Is Basically the Same
Which is what makes this so different.
It isn’t like anything else out there.
So if nothing has ever worked for you...
If you always feel hungry...
And get cravings...
No matter how much you eat...
It’s probably because bi-phasic hunger is keeping your hormones all out of whack…
Causing you to store fat.
Luckily, You Can Fix It and Start Losing Pounds In Less Than 24 Hours
By simply eating more of this secret weight loss food...
You’ll finally be free of all the diet rules..
That make losing weight so hard in the first place...
You’ll be free...
You’ll feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders...
As your stomach starts to flatten up...
And the pounds drop off.
Kerry Got All The Way Down To 115lbs

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Pick Up Your Copy Of the Flat Belly Now Program
Flat Belly Now System
Flat Belly Now is an easy to follow 10-day protocol designed to take the extra fat off as quickly as possible.
Everyone is different…
So I can’t guarantee any results, however…
Those in the test groups have lost an average of 8 pounds in the first 10 days…
With some losing up to 40 pounds in just a few months.
Within this protocol, you’ll know exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner…
And I’ll reveal the #1 weight loss food that you’ll be eating every day.

How much of it you eat depends on you…
And how fast you want to get results, because…
The more you eat…
The more you lose.
It’s extremely simple to follow, and…
I’ll be here to answer all your questions along the way.
Flat Belly Now Cheat Sheet
In this short, 4-page guide…
I’ll break down exactly what to do to get started…
In the fastest and easiest way possible.
It’s straight to the point…
So there won’t be any confusion…
Or any complications…
In getting started with this program.
All you need to follow are a few simple steps…
Which focus on getting your body into fat-burning mode as fast as possible…

Without exercise or strict dieting.
And as always, I will be here to answer any questions you have along the way.
Bonus #1: 24-Hour Flat Belly Now System
I don’t know about you, but…
I’m all about getting FAST results.
Slow and steady is fine for the long term…
But if I don’t see some results fast…
Then I usually give up when I don’t think it’s working.
That’s why I put together a 24-hour rapid fat loss version…
...of Flat Belly Now…
Designed specifically to get those first 5 pounds off as fast as possible.

Because when you see the weight coming off…
You’ll be much more motivated to stick with it…
And make these healthy habits part of your daily life long term.
Don’t worry…
This is 100% safe and natural.
You’re not going to fast for 24 hours…
Or eat nothing but vegetables and drink lemon water.
This is based on eating real food…
In a way that supercharges fat loss…
Especially around the stomach and waist area.
Bonus #2: Late Night Snacks Cookbook
In my journey of losing 22 pounds of pure fat…
And 45 pounds overall…
There were plenty of nights…
Where I stayed up late…
And ate right before bed.
That’s because your body can still burn A LOT of fat…
Even if you snack at night.
You just have to know the right snacks to have.

And no, I’m not talking about munching on veggies or a piece of fruit.
That’s way too boring.
So I put together an entire late-night snacks recipe book…
Chock full of recipes you can make right at home in a minute or less.
These aren’t hard, complicated recipes, in fact…
I’m a horrible cook, so…
I made these as simple as possible.
Bonus #3: Flat Belly Now Dessert Cookbook
As a kid…
My parents had to put a limit on the amount of candy I could eat…
Otherwise I’d go through the whole bowl in one sitting.
It was the same whenever we made brownies…
Or had ice cream.
So yeah, I love my sweets!
The good news is…

It’s not 1990 anymore…
Which means you can make delicious, creamy, chocolatey desserts…
...that don’t ruin your waistline.
Trust me, I’ve tried HUNDREDS of them over the years…
And I took the absolute best ones…
That taste amazing and satisfy your sweet tooth…
And put them into the world’s best rapid fat loss dessert cookbook…
So you can enjoy yummy treats every night…
While the pounds fall off your waistline.
Bonus #4: Belly Melting Smoothie Recipes
Most people automatically assume that all smoothies are healthy for you, well…
Not so fast!
I know people who drink smoothies every day…
And never lose a single pound.
That’s because it’s all about the ingredients you use.
And after nearly a decade of trying every smoothie recipe possible…

I finally cracked the code on the perfect fat-burning smoothies…
That use the secret weight loss food…
To fill you up and melt off the pounds…
Whenever you’re in a pinch…
And don’t have time for a regular meal.
Or you can use them as a dessert…
Especially the thick and creamy ones…
That only take a minute or two to make.
Bonus #5: 7-Day Rapid Soup Diet
There’s a new wave of weight loss soups that are so powerful…
That can take off up to 10 pounds in just 7 days.
Well, it all comes down to the ingredients you use.
New research from Penn St. University…
Shows that when you combine liquids and solids…
In the form of soup…

It can fill you up, up to 400 calories faster than normal.
If you do the math…
That can add up to 50 pounds in just one year…
All be eating more warm, delicious soup.
Which is why I put together a brand NEW weight loss soups cookbook…
So you can use the power of fat-burning soups…
To warm you up…
And melt off the pounds even faster.
Bonus #6: 1-on-1 Email Coaching
I’m not here to sell you a bill of goods and then disappear.
I know way too many people who do that…
And it just doesn’t sit well with me.
That’s why you’ll have direct email access to me…

Once you pick up your copy of the Flat Belly Now program.
If you have questions…
If you’re confused…
If you’ve stalled or plateaued…
If you’re not getting results fast enough…
If you’re stuck…
Whatever the case may be…
You’ll have my personal email address…
So you can simply send me an email…
And I’ll be here to help you along the way.
These 6 Bonuses Are Worth $350 But You Get Them FREE Today When You Pick Up Your Copy of the Flat Belly Now System
At first I wasn’t going to include all these bonuses for free…
After all, you can get amazing results with the Flat Belly Now system by itself.
However, I want you to have everything you could possibly need to succeed…
Which is why I’m more than happy to include them…
As part of the ultimate Flat Belly Now package.
These free bonuses will not be available for long…
So if you have any interest at all…
Make sure you grab them here today for free…
Or risk missing out forever…
Because I can’t promise they’ll still be available tomorrow
You Can't Find These Weight Loss Secrets Anywhere Else
I should know…
Because I’ve tried dozens of different diets over the years.
I’ve bought all the diet cookbooks…
Whole foods…
And none of them combine the unique strategies we use in the Flat Belly Now system…
To get results as fast as possible.
It’s safe for women and men in their 40’s…
All the way up until their 90’s…
Although I always recommend checking with your doctor…
Before starting any new weight loss program.
This works for real people like you and me…
Who have struggled with our weight for years.
I remember buying baggy clothes…
Jeans that were two sizes too big…
Just to try and hide the fat that I was so embarrassed of.
I know it sounds silly…
But that’s what I did.
And I don’t want anyone else to go through that ever again.
Flat Belly Now Is NOT For Everyone
While I would love to help everyone…
After doing this for a while now…
I’ve realized that I just can’t.
There are some people who can’t be reached.
And so, if you’re looking to magically drop 25 pounds by tomorrow morning…
Or if you want to eat fast food for lunch…
And pizza for dinner…
Every single night of the week…
Then I’m sorry, I can’t help you.
You don’t have to overhaul your entire diet…
However, it does require a few small changes…
And if you’re unwilling to do that…
Then I don’t want to waste any of your time.
This is for anyone who’s ready to make a change…
Who’s ready to take action…
And start getting the extra weight off…
Not tomorrow…
Not next week…
So if you’re serious about getting rid of the extra fat…
And nothing else has worked for you long term…
Then I can’t wait to welcome you with open arms…
And help you on your weight loss journey.
Don't Waste Your Hard Earned Money on Personal Trainers, Dangerous Surgeries, Or Expensive Gym Memberships
I still remember when my wife hired a personal trainer about 10 years ago, and…
Her legs got thicker…
Her belly did NOT get flatter…
In fact, she ended up gaining weight!
Because her trainer was some kid fresh out of college…
Who didn’t know how the female body works.
She spent thousands of dollars…
Only to end up further away from her goals than when she started.
That’s why I knew I had to figure all this out for myself…
Because I didn’t want anyone else getting ripped off…
Like my wife did.
Please, save your money…
And learn from our mistakes.
Initially My Publishers Wanted Me To Charge $127 For This Entire System
And with all the bonuses…
Personal email coaching…
And the fact that it can save you tens of thousands of dollars…
On doctor visits…
Prescription medications…
And expensive surgeries…
That you’ll no longer need…
It’d actually be a great bargain.
Heck, $127 would have gotten my wife just two sessions with her “trainer”...
But still, that high of a price just didn’t sit well with me.
I had to push back.
Because after struggling for years with my own weight…
Getting as high as 215 pounds…
I have a soft spot in my heart for people who WANT to make a change for the better.
That’s why I decided to take $100 off the suggested retail price…
And another 40% off after that.
When you pick up your copy of the Flat Belly Now system today…
Along with all 6 bonuses…
You’ll get it for a tiny fraction of the normal price.
Try the Entire System Out On Me
And If You Don't Like It, You Pay Nothing
Look, I know this probably isn’t the first weight loss program you’ve ever tried…
Heck, I’ve tried dozens over the last ten years alone…
And if you’ve been burned in the past like I have…
Then I totally get it.
You have a right to be skeptical…
Because too many people promise you the world…
And never end up delivering on those promises.
Well, I’m not one of those people.
I’ll be here every step of the way to help you as much as I possibly can.
You’ll have email access to me…
So you can ask questions whenever you want…
As often as you want.
And I know just how powerful this program is.
However, if for some reason you aren’t happy with your results…
Or if it’s just not a good fit for you and your lifestyle…
Then all you have to do is let me know…
And you’ll receive a full and prompt refund…
With no questions asked.
That way you can try the program out for a full 60 days…
You can use it for two full months…
And if you’re still unsatisfied…
Then you don’t pay a single penny.
In fact, I’ll thank you on the way out for simply giving it a try.
The Flat Belly Now Triple Guarantee
Guarantee #1 - You Will Not Do This Alone
After talking to thousands of people over the past few years…
The number one reason people quit…
Is because their weight loss journey is too lonely.
Think about it…
If you’re doing this by yourself…
And with most people, their spouses and family members are not on board…
Then it can be extremely hard and lonely.
Especially if you have nowhere else to turn.
Well, after losing 45 pounds myself…
And helping my wife lose over 30 pounds in her forties…
I want you to know that I’ll be here for you every step of the way.
You can reach out to me as often or as little as you want.
That’s completely up to you.
But you do not have to do this alone.
Guarantee #2 - You Do Not Have To Be In Shape To Get Started
I still find it strange…
But it does make sense.
Most people who want to join my programs…
Always ask if they need to be in shape first.
Like this is some type of boot camp that’s going to chew them up and spit them out.
There is no physical exercise required here.
And if you were the picture of perfect health…
Then you wouldn’t need my help in the first place.
You do not have to be in shape to get started…
You do not need to lose 10 pounds before you get started…
And after helping people in their 40’s…
All the way up to their mid 80’s…
You’re definitely not too old to get started.
It doesn’t matter if you can run a marathon…
Or if you can barely make it around the block.
As long as you’re willing to make a few small changes…
You’ll do extremely well with this program.
Guarantee #3 - The Absolute Best Support in the World
As I mentioned earlier…
You don’t have to do this alone.
I’ll be here…
My wife Keri will be here…
And we have the best customer support team in the world.
So if you’re confused on how to get started…
If you can’t find the program once it’s emailed to you…
If you’re stuck or stalled and can’t break through it…
If everyone in your life is telling you you’re crazy thinking you can finally lose the weight…
Whatever the case may be…
We will be here to help.
After doing this for the past 8 years…
We’ve never left anyone behind.
Fire Sale! You Can Get the Entire Flat Belly Now System Plus ALL 6 Bonuses For This Special Discounted Price
As I mentioned before…
My publishers wanted to make Flat Belly Now available for $197…
And since most people spend more than that on fast food and eating out every month…
It starts to make sense.
But I want to get the word out as fast as possible…
And I want to reward the action takers…
Who are ready to make a change now.
That’s why I’m having a fire sale on the digital version…
So you can get it at a fraction of the cost.
My goal is to help over 100,000 people with this program…
And that means getting it into the hands of as many people as possible…
So if I have to cut back on the price in order to do so…
I’m more than happy to do so.
That’s why I’m practically giving this system away for just $15.
Just Know It's First Come First Serve
I have no idea how long I’m going to keep the price this low…
It definitely won’t be forever…
Heck, you can’t even get a good pizza today for $15…
So if you finally want to get rid of your belly…
If you want to drop a couple jean sizes as quickly as possible…
So you feel better…
With more confidence…
And more energy…
Like nothing in the world can stop you…
Then please, lock in your savings today…
By clicking the big yellow button below.
Your discount will automatically be applied to your order.
All you have to do is enter in your information…
Into our 100% 256-bit encrypted order form…
And you’ll receive instant access to the entire Flat Belly Now system…
Plus all your free bonuses.

$59 $15
I've Tried Everything & None Of It Ever Works
Why Would This Be Any Different?
If you’ve been eating healthy…
And trying your hardest…
Yet nothing ever works for you…
Or if you lose some weight…
Put then put it right back on when you start eating carbs again…
Then it’s likely that you still have some level of bi-phasic hunger…
That’s slowing down your results.
Remember, bi-phasic hunger is when you feel hungry all the time…
It’s when you eat a meal and you’re hungry again a few hours later…
It’s when you have cravings, especially at night before bed…
So once you solve that at the source…
Instead of putting another bandaid on it…
Which is what most fad diets are…
Then you’ll start seeing results that last.
It’s also likely that you aren’t eating the secret weight loss food, or…
You’re eating a little of it, but not making it a priority at your meals.
Don’t worry, if any of this sounds confusing…
I laid out everything you need to do to get started….
In the Flat Belly Now Quick Start Guide.
You can read it in less than one minute…
And know exactly what to do.
I’m a huge fan of keeping things simple…
And that’s exactly what we’ll do going forward.

$59 $15
Our Time Here Together Is Almost Over...
And you only have two options going forward.
Option #1 is you can take everything you learned here today…
And try to figure this out on your own.
You can vow to eat healthier…
To cut out the junk…
To start new, healthy habits…
You can even do a deep dive into bi-phasic hunger…
And figure out exactly what nutrients and macronutrients you need to stop it at the source…
So your body can start burning fat againg.
However, if that was the best option…
Then wouldn’t you have done it by now?
Wouldn’t you have made all these healthy, positive changes on your own already?
I know from my own weight loss journeys…
And trust me, there was more than one…
That no matter how hard I tried…
Or how focused I was…
Life always seemed to get in the way.
Something would happen just as I was building up momentum…
To knock me right back down.
Something always got in the way…
And threw me off track…
Which Is Why It Took Me Over 10 Years To Figure This All Out On My Own
I don’t want that for you.
I want you to learn from my mistakes.
Option #2 is you can take the easy way out…
Let me do all the hard work for you…
And show you exactly what to do…
So you can start losing your belly as soon as today.
This works and it works FAST…
Which means you can start losing fat in the next few hours…
If you get started right now.
It doesn’t take long to start seeing results…
And remember, there isn’t any physical exercise required here…
In fact, you don’t really have to do any real “work” at all.
So if you want to take the noble way out…
Not just for you…
But for your entire family…
Who depends on you…
Day in and day out…
If they’re not getting the absolute best version of you…
Then it’s time to make a change.
Simply click the “Add to Cart” button below…
Your discount will automatically be applied…
And I’ll be on the inside waiting to help you.
This $182 Discount Isn't Guaranteed Past Today
So if you click on the order button…
And it’s still $15…
Then go ahead and fill out the order form now…
Because it’s not going to stay that low forever.
Don’t wait until next week..
Or next month…
The timing is never going to be perfect…
You’ll always have things going on in your life…
That’s just the way it is.
There is no perfect time to get started.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard…
“My diet starts Monday”...
And then it never happens.
Don’t be one of those people…
Who keeps putting this off.
If you want to be healthy…
For yourself and your family…
And everyone else who cares about you…
Along with all the added side benefits…
Like a flatter stomach…
A smaller waist…
A thinner dress size…
Then take advantage of our $182 now while you still can.
This is a one-time-only payment of $15.
You will not be billed again under any circumstance…
Unless you order something else from us.
Simply click the button below…
And let’s get started.
Thank you so much for giving me a few minutes of your time today.
I don’t take that lightly...
And I really appreciate it.
To your health,
Here Are the Most Common Questions About the Flat Belly Now Program
What do I need in order to get started?
You may need to take a quick trip to the grocery store, but that’s about it.
Most people have everything they need to get started in their kitchen and fridge right now.
You don’t need any expensive organic foods or anything like that to get started.
We’re using simple, budget-friendly foods to get the weight off as fast and safe as possible.
Everyone says losing weight is harder when you’re older. Will this still work for me?
I guess I’m different than everyone else…
Because I’ve seen thousands of people in their 50’s and beyond lost 10, 20 even 30 or more pounds.
Sure, you can’t eat fast food everyday and stay thin, like you could as a kid…
But we focus on simple and easy ways to lose weight no matter how old you are.
We have people in their 80’s who are losing 40 pounds and never looking back…
So while I can’t guarantee this will work for you…
Because most of that depends on if you follow the program…
I’m confident it will if you put in just a little bit of effort…
And I’ll be here to help along the way.
I lost 10 pounds in the first 10 days, is that normal?
I love getting emails like these…
Where the weight is coming off so fast…
That people are shocked and surprised...
It simply means that your body has switched over to fat-burning mode…
And it’s burning more of your stored fat for energy.
That’s exactly what you want!
Everyone is different, but seeing great results in the first 10 days is perfectly normal.
How do I get started?
Simply click the “Add to Cart” button…
And enter in your information into our 100% secure order form.
From there I’ll send you a copy of the Flat Belly Now system…
Along with all the free bonuses…
For a one-time-only price of just $15.
You will not be billed again under any circumstance…
Unless you place another order with us.
How does your money back guarantee work?
We tried to make this as simple as possible…
Within 60 days, if you are not completely satisfied with your results…
Or if you’re unsatisfied with the program in any way…
Just send me an email…
And we’ll get you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.
I’m still on the fence, can you really guarantee this works?
I completely understand.
This may not be an easy decision for you…
Especially if you’ve been burned too many times in the past…
By false promises that never worked.
All I can tell you is that I’m different.
I’m here to help you.
You’ll be able to get in direct contact with me so you can ask any questions.
I’m not one of those people who disappears the second you buy the program.
It’s worked for thousands of women and men all over the world…
Of all ages…
People who had 15 pounds to lose…
And those who had 50 or more pounds to lose.
It’s really simple…
It’s almost impossible to screw it up…
And most people see results within the first 24 hours.
Remember, you’re backed by our money back guarantee…
So you can try out the program…
And get every last penny back if it’s simply not for you.
However, you have to make the choice to get started.
So if you’re ready…
Then I can’t wait to help.
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Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience because everyone is unique. Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it. The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated Flat Belly Now users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week.
The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.
© 2020 & Beyond, Derek Wahler Fitness, LLC. All Rights Reserved.